The present work deals with the exoskeletons and consists of exposing
how some historical periods generated fundamental changes within economic,
social and technological processes that allowed innovations such as the
machines and tools that nowadays influence in the set of productive operations,
deepen concepts basic, define the principles, organizational structure and
comprehensive strategic planning of the company that are essential for the
proper development and consolidation of a business organization; and establish
the application of the different administrative theories with their respective
approaches such as tasks, structures, people and environment where they have
established some processes such as integration, direction and strategic control
through the companies dedicated to the manufacture of exoskeletons , tools used
as mechanisms that facilitate the lifestyle of individuals.
ADDRESS is the application of knowledge in decision-making
ADMINISTRATION Administration is the social science that aims to study the organizations and the technique responsible for the planning, organization, direction and control of the resources of an organization, in order to obtain efficiency or maximum possible benefit. (Wikipedia)
APPLICATION OF MILITARY ROBOTICS This technology is used in the military field to perform functions such as weight bearing, espionage missions, to not lose lives and defense. (Google Sites)
APOTHEOSIS Bright end of something (WordReference)
BIONICA Bionics is the application of biological solutions to the technique of architecture, design, engineering and modern technology systems (Wikipedia)
BUREAUCRACY Set of rules, papers and procedures necessary to manage an administrative activity (WordReference)
BUSINESS ORGANIZATION It is a group of people who work in a coordinated and concerted way to achieve their goals. (Economic zone)
CAPITALISM consists of a system of economic bases in which the ownership of production resources is private (Definicon De)
COMMAND is an attribute of power, which implies the ability to impose its decisions on who exercises control over who should obey. (Deconceptos.com)
COMPANY Company or meeting of several people united for the same purpose, generally industrial or commercial (WordReference)
COMPANY A company is an organization or institution dedicated to activities or pursuit of economic or commercial purposes to satisfy the needs of goods or services of the applicants (Wikipedia)
CONTROL is a mechanism of the administrative process created to verify that the protocols and objectives of a company, department or product comply with the rules and rules set. (Meanings)
CYBERNETIC Science that studies the nervous connections in living beings. (Wordreference)
DECISION It is a determination or resolution that is taken on a certain thing.
DEVELOPMENT Process of gradual change and differentiation from a level of low complexity to one of greater. (Doctissimo)
ECONOMIC It is dedicated to the study of production and exchange procedures, and to the analysis of the consumption of goods (products) and services. (Definicon De)
ECONOMIC AGENT are actors that make decisions in a market. (Definicon De)
EFFICIENCY Correct use and with the least amount of resources to achieve an objective or when more objectives are achieved with the same or less resources. (Meanings)
ELECTRONICS is the branch of physics and specialization of engineering, which studies and uses systems whose operation is based on the conduction and control of the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles. (Wikipedia)
ENERGY is the source by means of which we can apply movement to matter, matter is substance and energy is what moves substance. (What is it)
ENFASIS is called the operation of enhancing, highlighting or accentuating something, either to indicate its importance, or to direct the attention of another person there. (Meanings)
ENTITY Person, company, corporation or other organization. (Definicon De)
ENVIRONMENT Set of people, things and circumstances that surround someone or something and influence their development. (The free dictionary by farlex)
EVOLUTION Action and effect of developing or transforming things passing gradually from one state to another (The free dictionary by farlex)
EXOESQUELETO Human skeleton provides a strong multifunctional structure that, among other things, facilitates locomotion, provides protection, containment and internal support. They are valuable external tools that support the body, protect it and make it possible for us to increase our strength, endurance and mobility. (Good)
FINAL GOODS are consumer products that, once processed, do not require subsequent transformations for their consumption. They have as final goal to satisfy the needs of the consumer. (Lifeder)
GOODS refer to anything, tangible or intangible, that is useful to man and that satisfies, directly or indirectly, some individual or collective desire or need, or that contributes to the welfare of individuals. (Concept definition of)
HAWTHORNE EXPERIMENT Practices on the impact of working conditions on workers who studied at a company called Western Electric Company between the years 1924 and 1932 in Chicago, Illinois (United States).
HISTORICAL PERIOD are delimited fragments of time that are implemented to
make reference of a lapse of time in which they fulfilled a set of characteristics (Brainly)
HUMANISM It means to value the human being and the human condition. In this sense, it is related to generosity, compassion and concern for the valuation of human attributes and relationships. (Meanings)
INDUSTRY is the activity whose purpose is to transform raw materials into elaborated or semi-finished products using an energy source (Wikipedia)
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION the process of economic, social and technological transformation that began in the second half of the 18th century in the United Kingdom and that spread throughout Europe and North America. (Current Dictionary)
INFORMAL ORGANIZATION The informal organization is the network of personal and social relationships (alliances, cliques, friendships) that arise when people relate to other people in their work environment (Financial Encyclopedia)
INTERMEDIATE GOODS Are those material resources, goods and services that are used as intermediate products during the production process, such as raw materials, fuels, office supplies, etc. (Definition.org)
JURIDICO makes direct reference to any issue related to law. Generally used as an adjective we can find that its use is closely linked to the laws and regulations. (Concept definition of)
LEGAL PERSON is an organization with rights and obligations that exist, but not as an individual, but as an institution and that is created by one or more natural persons to fulfill a social objective that can be with or without profit motive. (Wikipedia)
LIBRECAMBISMO advocates non-state intervention in international trade, allowing merchandise flows to be governed by the advantages of each country and the competitiveness of companies, and assuming that this will produce an adequate distribution of goods and services, as well as an optimal allocation of economic resources on a planetary scale. (Wikipedia)
MANUFACTURE Make a product from the combination of its components, especially in series and by mechanical means. (University)
MACHINES It refers to the apparatus, an artifact, made up of a set of mechanisms and pieces, both fixed and mobile, whose running allows directing, regulating, or failing that, changing the energy to carry out a job with a specific mission. (Definition ABC)
MANUFACTURING refers to the human activity of creating products en masse, through the use of advanced machines and special techniques designed to do so. (Concept definition of)
MATERIAL Is an element that can be transformed and grouped in a set (Wikipedia)
MARKET is a set of transactions of processes or exchange of goods or services between individuals. (Wikipedia)
MECHANIZATION Mechanization is the use of machines to partially or totally replace human or animal work (Wikipedia)
MECHANICAL SYSTEM They are those systems constituted fundamentally by components, devices or elements whose specific function is to transform or transmit the movement from the sources that generate it, by transforming different types of energy. (Blogger)
MEDICAL ROBOTICS In these cases, what is intended is to manually perform a task through a robot, so that a computer program can monitor or correct inaccuracies or human errors, and make possible actions that, given the limitations of man, are not they can perform or are very difficult to perform. (Prezzi)
METHOD It refers to that set of strategies and tools that are used to reach a precise goal, the method usually represents an instrumental means by which the works that are made daily are made. (Definicon De)
MIGRATION Displacement or population movements from one country to another due to economic, social or political reasons (WordReference)
MONARCHY LIBERAL the powers of the monarch are cut by the existence of a Parliament elected by vote and by the publication of a Constitution whose legal provisions are above the real powers (Glossaries)
MOTOR DISABILITY a person with a motor disability is one who suffers in a lasting and frequently chronic manner from a more or less serious affection of the locomotor system that supposes a limitation of his activities in relation to the average of the population. (ATREMO)
PRODUCTIVE OPERATIONS It is considered as the start-up phase of the planning, since it consists of converting decisions about facilities, capacity, human resources, aggregate plan and master program into sequences of tasks and specific assignments of personnel, materials and machinery. (Virtual
ORGANIZATIONAL It refers to all those considerations that must be taken into account when it comes to having a certain structure that guarantees the achievement of specific goals. (Definition)
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE It is a fundamentally hierarchical concept of subordination within the entities that
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE It is a fundamentally hierarchical concept of subordination within the entities that collaborate and contribute to serve a common goal. (Financial Encyclopedia)
PRINCIPLE In its broadest conception, it is a basis of ideals, foundations, rules and / or policies from which ideologies, theories, doctrines, religions and sciences are born. (Definicon De)
PROCESS is a set or chain of phenomena, associated with the human being or nature, that develop in a finite or infinite period of time and whose successive phases tend to lead to a specific end. (Meanings)
PROTOTYPE First example of something that is taken as a model to create others of the same kind. (Wordreference)
PRODUCTION Production is denominated to any type of activity destined to the manufacture, elaboration or obtaining of goods and services. (Definition)
PRODUCT something material that is elaborated in a natural or industrial way by means of a process, for the consumption or utility of the individuals. (Meanings)
PROJECT HARDIMAN name derived from "Human Augmentation Research and Development Investigation", something like the investigation for the increase of the human capacities by means of machines. (Taringa)PHYSICAL
WELL-BEING we understand that each of the organs that comprise our body are in perfect condition and in harmony. (Executive traveler)
PHYSIOTHERAPY Physiotherapy is a health discipline that offers a non-pharmacological therapeutic alternative to alleviate symptoms of multiple ailments, both acute and chronic, through therapeutic exercise, heat, cold, light, water, manual techniques including massage and electricity. (Wikipedia)
PHYSICAL ABILITIES It is the ability of human beings to perform movements that are carried out by working together between the brain, the nervous system and the muscles to develop skills. (Prezzi)
PSYCHOLOGICAL WELFARE has to do with the set of skills and abilities that are normally possible due to the correct functioning of the brain. We refer to the intellectual capacity, which involves learning, processing information, making decisions, the distinction between values and beliefs, complex thinking (mathematical, scientific, artistic) and everything that allows us to create ideas and make them reality. (Executive traveler)
REHABILITATION general term to refer to the phase of the health care process aimed at addressing the consequences of a disease or trauma that cause dysfunction and disability, with the aim of restoring the person's social, occupational and integral functionality. (Wikipedia)
ROBOT an electromechanical system that is normally driven by a program of a computer or by an electrical circuit (Wikipedia)
ROBOTIC COSTUME Mechanism that helps people with motor deficiency to perform any type of activity
SERVICE are functions exercised by people towards other people in order that they comply with the satisfaction of receiving them. (Concept definition of)
SOCIAL It refers to the belonging or the relative to the society that are a group of people that share a same culture that interact with each other to form a
community (Concept definition of)
SYSTEM is a set of related elements that work as a whole (Meanings)
STRUCTURE is a configuration of the elements that make up a whole. Each component of a structure has a function and form that complements the one that follows and precedes it.
STRATEGIC PLANNING It can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating international decisions that allow the organization to carry out its objectives. (Blogger)
TASK Work or work performed by a person
TOOLS is that element made with the aim of making a certain activity or mechanical work easier, which requires, in order to bring it to fruition, a correct application of energy. (Definition ABC)
TECHNOLOGY It is the application of a set of knowledge and skills with a clear objective: to achieve a solution that allows the human being from solving a given problem until reaching a need in a specific area. (Definicon De)
THEORY A set of rules, principles and knowledge about a science, a doctrine or an activity, regardless of its possible practical applications. (University)
TRANSTORNO NEUROLOGICOS are diseases of the central and
peripheral nervous system, that is, of the brain, the spinal cord, the cranial
and peripheral nerves, the nerve roots, the autonomic nervous system, the
neuromuscular plate, and the muscles (OMS)
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